Why analytical psychotherapy?

Carl Jung. Image: public domain.

Many years of working as a psychiatrist with people who are suffering emotional pain, because of their upbringing, disposition, circumstances and because of the distressing symptoms they experience, has led me to seek a greater understanding of human beings and of our emotional struggles.

We are indebted to pioneer German speaking psychiatrists of the early 20th century, who developed ways to understand our emotional suffering as well as promote our growth as human beings. Carl Jung was one of these pioneers and I have chosen to train as a Jungian Analytical Psychotherapist.

There may be problems that have kept us back over our life, preventing us from fulfilling our potential. Analytical Psychotherapy is an in-depth approach that can help us explore such problems, allowing for the deep-seated reasons for our suffering to emerge, be acknowledged and understood.

Analytical psychotherapy is an open-ended therapy which in my experience can enable a more profound change beyond what short-term therapeutic orientations like CBT can offer.

The range of difficulties which can be helped with this approach includes depression, anxiety, bereavement and loss, infertility, relationship and/or sexual difficulties, mild to moderate eating disorders, psychosomatic conditions, obsessional behaviours and phobic anxieties. While this approach can be used to help many conditions, not everyone may feel ready or be ready to undertake this type of work, which is something that can be looked at through an initial contact with a psychotherapist.

Confidentiality and protection of your personal information is central to the whole psychotherapeutic practice and maintained responsibly at all times.

You may wish to look at the following websites to know more:



If you may be interested in exploring the possibility of seeking analytical psychotherapy with me, please leave your contact details and I will get in touch with you.